Second Shooter Guide

Thanks so much for being my second shooter! Below is information to help us achieve the perfect images for this couple!

Prefered Equpment

  • Canon Mark Ill, Canon Mark I V, or Canon

    • Full-frame with 2 memorv slots-

    • Prime Lenses; (24mm, 50mm, 85mm, 100tnm), 24-70mm and or 70-200 is acceptable for ceremony & reception.

  • Full RAW: Always and record to both cards simultaneously.

Settings and style

  • Always shoot 5+ of the same image. Never trust you got it. Someone’s eye will be closed.

  • Shutter Speed : A minimum shutter speed of 1250 (faster if there is movement or if you are walking/talking.

  • Bump up your ISO in lower daylight to avoid blur.

    • ISO: try not to shoot higher than 3200 ISO if

  • you need more light -use a flash.

  • Flash: I preter on camera and 2 off camera for reception. Not a requirement.

  • Please setup flash as you feel comfortable but use a diffuser ifyou are only using on camera flash.

  • If you are in a dark lit room for getting ready or any in door situration and using flash, please bounce your flash off the wall.

  • For outdoor I prefer backlit- move subject to achieve

  • The overall style should be clean, straight- on or at a 43 degree angle,"Clean" minimal, not clutter in background,

  • backgrounds not too busy when shooting portraits, avoid "black holes" in greenery and backgrounds in general.

  • For portraits move people away from distracting backgrounds. poor lighting situations, trash cans, exit signs, etc. Even if it is a "candid" photograph and especially ii they are portraits oi tårnily, wedding party or the couple. I prefer open shade or backlit.

  • Please photograph children at their eye

  • Please Do not shoot up or down angles on bride

  • When shooting portraits do not cut off feet, or at the Joints, or head (creative shots its 0k...have fun'.

  • When 'shooting inside the getting ready space, try to make sure the background isn't cluttered or use a blank wall,

  • Always rty to use the window light and tell clients need to turn off the lights to have the best light in the finished photos.

  • Always keep an eye out for emotional moments with family happening nearby, like moms holding kids, family members smiling,

  • Please feel free to style different parts Of the day to create a better image.

  • Far tables, remove.• -common" salt-pepper shakers, butter, pitchers Other items that are distracting to the design.

  • Never delete images in camera. I would rather' shoot than under shoot. And doing this can ruin your memory card.

  • Always keep memory cards and batteries on you

Random Notes

1/2 of the day is about perception. My goal is to have moms talking about how helpful of a team we were. I want the coordinator to see us runnning water and drinks to the couple when were not shooting. I want to go above and beyond. If everyone feels served then the images will be that much better.

  • Do anticipate needs of bride and groom

  • Ask if they need water

  • Know where tissues are or have them on you

  • In lulls, ask guests for a group shot - goal is to have everyone photographed at the event

  • Never show images to guests on back of camera if you can avoid it. If they ask go for it be nice, but never offer.

  • Do not talk shop with guests or uncles